Not the best thing to post on Facebook…
Some things just shouldn’t be posted on Facebook.
Confidentiality agreements are regularly seen in business. At the risk of stating the obvious, these agreements are set up to ensure that whatever was agreed between 2 parties remains confidential.

Unfortunately for a gentleman called Mr Snay, he broke a confidentiality agreement and as a result is now $80,000 worse off.
The background to the story is that Patrick Snay sued his former employer Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami for age discrimination. He won an $80,000 settlement from them.
There was a condition attached to this though and that was he had to keep it secret (or using business terminology, he had a “confidentiality agreement” with the other party).
Whilst Mr Snay was no doubt feeling very pleased with himself and his $80,000 award he’s probably regretting telling his daughter or to be more precise, he’s probably regretting telling his daughter not to post about it on her Facebook page.
Yes, his daughter Dana told her 1,200 Facebook friends about the news.
She posted that “”Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver,” and “Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT.”
As a result of this post the school didn’t pay the $80,000 settlement. They argued that Mr Snay had broken the confidentiality agreement. The Florida Appeals Court agreed with them and stated that the settlement does not have to be paid.
So, that one particular Facebook post by Dana cost her parents $80,000. Somehow I don’t think “Mama and Papa Snay” hit the like button on their daughters post.