Be careful what you say as you never know who can hear you.
As you progress through your career there’s a good chance that at some stage or another you’ll have to make a presentation involving a microphone.
It may be stating the obvious but whenever a microphone is near you think carefully about what you say.

American basketball player Nigel Hayes unfortunately didn’t appreciate that his voice would be picked up so clearly before a press conference started.
Whilst waiting for the press conference to start, Mr Hayes noticed a journalist by the name of Debra Bollman in the audience. He turned to his fellow players who were sat next to him and whispered “God, she’s beautiful”.
With the microphones doing what they were supposed to do they picked this statement up loud and clear and the journalists all laughed.
Mr Hayes’ reaction when he realised that his comments had been overheard can be seen in the video below.
Looking on the bright side for Mr Hayes though, at least he thought the journalist was attractive as it would have been a lot worse had he said “God, she’s ugly”.