Dog seized to pay tax bill…

It’s always best to keep up to date with your tax affairs. Although most people don’t enjoy paying their taxes, it’s the law and if you don’t pay there can be serious consequences.
Over in Germany reports have emerged that make it fairly clear that you don’t mess with the German authorities when it comes to taxes.
An unnamed lady was behind in paying her taxes.
The authorities sent a debt collector around to collect whatever assets the family had to settle the tax liability.
According to the lady in question, two valuable items were identified.
One was the wheelchair of her paraplegic husband. Now, before even getting into the rights and wrongs of taking a disabled person’s wheelchair to settle debts, luckily for the family it was not an issue as it turned out that it was owned by a local association and was not the property of the family so the debt collectors couldn’t take it.
The authorities though have denied they tried to take the wheelchair and a spokesman said “Mobility aids for the disabled are absolutely exempt from being seized as collateral.”
One item though which was not exempt from being seized was the family pet.
Alas for Edda, the family dog, she was taken by the debt collector.
Edda is a pug and they are a pretty fashionable dog breed at the moment and the debt collector took the dog as settlement for the debt.
Edda was then listed on eBay and was sold to Michaela Jordan, a local police officer for €750 (approx. £650).
There’s a twist in the “tail” though in that the new owner has now sued the local authorities who sold Edda as apparently, she was advertised as being a healthy dog but has required veterinary treatment costing approximately €1,800.
We wish Edda well.