Have you ever wondered why you can only find the one sock?
There are good bosses, there are bad bosses and there are, well let’s put it this way, slightly strange bosses.

American Apparel founder Dov Charney famously once attended a staff meeting wearing a single sock… and nothing else.
In what was almost certainly one of the more memorable workdays for the other people at the meeting, Mr Charney fine-tuned his outfit by leaving both his feet bare (I’ll give you a couple of minutes to work out where his only piece of clothing, the sock, was strategically placed).
Mr Charney has been in the news again recently as he has been sacked by his fellow board members after claims of sexual harassment. It’s not been reported what the allegations of sexual harassment were in respect of but it sends an important message that even if you’re the millionaire founder of a global brand you still can’t get away with sexual harassment of your staff.
On a separate note, there is still no news on whether any action will be taken by the “fair treatment for socks” action group.