Would you do this to get a job with KPMG?
An accounting undergraduate in Australia called Meri Amber has done something pretty unusual when it comes to trying to get a job.

As well as her skills as an accounting undergraduate she’s very talented when it comes to songwriting. In an attempt to get a job with KPMG she’s written her own song called “KPMG Audit Team – Love Accy” urging KPMG to “give her a call”.
She’s also produced the video below showing her love for KPMG.
It seems to have worked as KPMG’s national manager of graduate recruitment in Australia, Rebecca Jones, is reportedly in preliminary discussions with Meri.
Rebecca is quoted as saying “we think it’s a good song. It’s nice to see the industry portrayed in a quirky, unusual way that helps break the stereotypes. [The big four are] all looking for people who are well-rounded and we could definitely work with someone like Meri to show that KPMG is more than just an accounting firm.”
Here’s Meri’s video:
Good luck to Meri in her new career as an accountant or if it doesn’t work out good luck in her career as a singer songwriter.