Happy New Desk
Well it’s that time of year again when a lot of people set themselves a New Year Resolution.
On average, approximately a third of people in the UK will set themselves a New Year Resolution with the most popular ones being to be exercise more, eat healthily and give up smoking and drinking alcohol.
New Year Resolutions have their origins in a variety of places.
The Babylonians, an ancient culture from the Middle East, used to make promises to the gods at the start of each year and the Ancient Romans used to start each year by making promises to Janus – the Roman God of beginnings and after whom the month of January is named.
The majority of resolution nowadays though are unsuccessful and a study from the University of Bristol found that 88 per cent of people who make New Year’s resolutions fail.
But what can you do if your resolution is to be healthier but you’re working long hours at the office?
After all, long working hours and keeping fit don’t tend to work well together.
Well, now there’s an answer to this problem as you can buy a treadmill desk.
Yes, lifespanfitness.com offer a selection of treadmill desks and treadmill desks can be pretty expensive. Some cost nearly £3,000.
That’s quite a lot of money and I’m not sure your boss would react too favourably if you asked him or her to buy you a desk which nearly £3,000.
Then again, you could point out that if you had a treadmill desk instead of the normal desk then you would be more productive as you would be running and wouldn’t be able to drink the bottle of wine that you normally have in the office whilst sat at your desk…