How much do Big 4 partners earn?
The results for the UK KPMG partnership for the year to 30 September have been released and they must make pleasing reading for the partners.

The average KPMG partner pay has increased by 23% from £580,000 to £713,000.
KPMG’s profit rose by 27% to £455 million on revenue of £1.8 billion. The firm’s advisory unit made the most money for the organisation with profits of £308 Million.
So, KPMG’s average earnings per partner were £713,000 but how do these average earnings per partner compare with the rest of the “Big 4”?
Figures recently reported in the Times Newspaper, showed that the latest average earnings per partner in the UK based on reported partnership earnings were:
EY £651,000
PwC £705,000
KPMG £713,000
Deloitte £772,000
It seems that the longer the name of the Big 4 company, the higher the average earnings per partner.
Last year we saw Ernst & Young re-brand themselves to the shorter name of EY. After discovering that the longer the name of the Big 4 company, the higher the earnings per partner, will we now see EY changing their name back to Ernst & Young?
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