I’d love to invite you to lunch but…
Have you ever been to lunch with a colleague?
My guess is that unless (a) you work by yourself, (b) nobody likes you , or (c) you have a serious body odour problem then the chances are that you have had lunch with a colleague.

Now let me guess. What did you talk about over lunch?
Was it by any chance “work”?
Yes, we all do it. If we go out for lunch with a colleague then a lot of the time we’ll probably end up talking about work. Now, this could be the latest racy gossip about Mr X and Mrs Y but the chances are it may well just be about some project you are currently working on.
So is this a problem that you are talking about work over lunch?
Tech giant Apple seem to think that there could be some issues over talking about work whilst eating your lunch. They have just announced plans to open a restaurant which is reserved solely for employees.
This isn’t an on-site canteen or cafe. No, it is a two-storey building that will be located several streets away from Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California.
Apple already run a restaurant called Caffe Mac but this restaurant is open to non-Apple employees as well as Apple employees. An obvious concern of this is that if all the Apple people are chatting away about projects they are working on such as the iPhone 28 then who knows if Mr Samsung, Mrs HTC or Miss Nokia are sitting at the next table pretending to read a newspaper.
The new “Apple only” restaurant will be a separate stand-alone restaurant exclusively for Apple employees who will be free to talk as loud as they like about the latest project they are working on.
I wonder though whether the waiters and waitresses will be using Samsung or HTC phones…