Is it a character from Star Wars? Is it a new form of transport in the latest James Bond movie? No, it’s…
… a great example of the marketing mix.
For students of strategy papers within the various exams the concept of the marketing mix and the 4Ps should be well known.

Philips, the global electronics giant with its headquarters in the Netherlands has just released a new clothes iron that well and truly adjusts the “Product” part of the 4Ps so that it is aimed directly at men.
They saw a gap in the market whereby they felt that men wanted a robust, “heavy duty tool like” iron. As a result they have just launched a more masculine looking iron by the code name of the GC4490.
As well as being stealth fighter black in colour, the GC4490 also has the same style of heavy duty protective case that expensive power tools come in. The product is clearly directed at men but what about the remaining three Ps of the 4Ps?
Well, in terms of the “P – Promotion” side of things, some of the promotional pictures make it look like a bit like a Star Wars fighter plane which will no doubt make ironing more exciting!
The “P – Price” is Euro 79.99 which is towards the top end of prices for irons. Some would argue that this must be justified on the basis of the “fighter plane technology” that was possibly included in the technical specs of the GC4490?

As regards, the “P – Place” then should we expect to see the GC4490 being sold at your local builders merchants?
Leaving aside the sexual politics debate, you have to admire the great use of the 4Ps by Philips to exploit a gap in the clothes iron market.