It’s ACCA exam results time so there will be…

It’s ACCA exam results time so there will be some nervous people waiting for an email or the post to arrive. Best of luck to all of you that are waiting for the results.
I’m probably showing my age but when I qualified a fair few years ago the results of the exams were published in the Times newspaper on the Saturday morning when the results were due to arrive by post. The early editions of the newspapers would be available the night before in London so if you lived in London you could get your results on the Friday night before the results were in the paper on the Saturday.
At that time I wasn’t living in London but the Big 4 company I worked for organized some people to pick up some papers in the evening and staff a phone help line where students could call to see if their name was in the paper. After calling and finding out that I had passed I couldn’t resist the temptation to call 10 minutes later to double check!
Before you laugh at me for calling twice, for those of you that will be getting good news in an email then I’m sure that you’ll check the email more than once!
If you’re keen on getting started on your next papers then head over to our ExPand pages and download a copy of our ExPress notes to get you started. We’re releasing some great new free learning resources on our ExPand site next month so keep watching for some really exciting developments.