Not the best way to resign…

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of someone resigning from their job?
Perhaps an early morning meeting with their boss?
Maybe a polite letter to the company explaining why the time has come for them to move on?
Well, not so fast. Some workers are more inventive than that. According to reports in South Africa, one worker decided to exit in style. Instead of writing a letter or holding a frank meeting with his superiors, he decided to take “extreme action” on his boss’s desk after mistakenly believing that he had won the lottery. Now the man in question has no job, no money, and is facing criminal charges.
But what went wrong?
It turns out that the quitter was a victim of a trick. The worker in question allegedly played Lotto and Powerball every week. The morning after one fateful Powerball draw, his brother decided to prank him. He bought a ticket with the previous day’s winning numbers on it and gave it to the man in question.
Convinced he had won, the man marched to his company’s office where he had been working for the past twenty years, defecated on his boss’s desk, urinated around it, and then shouted at colleagues, telling them what he thought of them (which wasn’t nice stuff, by the way). He then marched out triumphantly, believing he was a multi-millionaire.
Unfortunately, the man hadn’t won anything. And now there is little prospect of him ever getting his old job back.
There is hope, though. He could still win the lottery next week…