CIMA results and performance with a smile…
First of all congratulations to all CIMA students that received their exam results yesterday and were successful. Your hard work paid off so very well done! We’ve heard from a number of you that were successful and those are always the best type of emails to receive from students!
If your results weren’t as expected though and you didn’t pass then better luck next time.
Various papers have performance management within the syllabus. A rather unusual method of managing performance was recently reported by the press.

Japan’s Keihin Express Railway Co., in an effort to promote a friendlier customer service, has implemented something called “smile scanners” at its stations to assess the smiles of their employees!
Employees have to look into a camera every day and have their smiles scored by a computer that analyses their facial features and gives feedback. The quality of the smile is reportedly rated on a scale ranging from 100 to zero.
Is it effective? Can the scanner distinguish between an artificial and a genuine smile? The jury is still out.
While we at ExP love technology, we’re not sure we would submit to such assessment, at least not before our morning coffee!