We’ve just passed 31 December. So what?
As we start the new year people who are not students of UK tax maybe mistakenly assume that we have just finished a fiscal year on 31 December and have started a new fiscal year on 1 January.
As good tax students we know however that this is not true! The fiscal year (tax year) for individuals in the UK ends on 5 April and starts on 6 April. For companies the financial year start on 1 April and end on 31 March although remember that companies are free to choose their accounting period end.
Other countries have an assortment of fiscal year ends. Individuals in Japan and UAE for example have a fiscal year ending on 31 December. In the US the fiscal year ends on 30 September and in Australia it’s 30 June. This is all very interesting but don’t worry it won’t be examined.
However, what is important with regard to the start of the year is that all of us here at ExP would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and all the very best in your exams, professional and personal lives for 2010.