Surely you’re not watching that on your phone?
A few years ago Blackberry used to be the phone of choice amongst business people but the emergence of Apple’s iPhone and various Android smartphones has resulted in sales of Blackberry phones plummeting.
Earlier this year Blackberry launched their new phone, the Z10 and this was seen to be a make or break situation for the company behind Blackberry. Before the launch of the Z10 their latest set of sales results showed a fall of 47% from a year earlier and the Z10 was hoped to stop the fall in sales.
By all accounts it’s a pretty good phone and some commentators are saying that it could even be a rival for the ubiquitous iPhone.
It seems to be doing well but yesterday news emerged of a potential flaw in the design that could lead to some embarrassing situations.
It’s a sophisticated phone and one option it has is to share details of what music you’re listening to with your contacts on your phone. This alone makes you realise how far Blackberry has moved from a pure business phone where its main use was phone calls and emails.
Now, music sharing isn’t the embarrassing bit. Not even if your music listening habits include Justin Bieber.
No, the embarrassing bit is that when the music sharing option on the new Blackberry is turned on it not only shares what music you’ve been listening to but also shares what videos you’ve been watching on your phone.
There have been reports of people being surprised at what videos their contacts have been watching on their phones with some of those videos being how can I say it but, um, adult only videos with content of an adult nature.
A lot of you reading this are qualified accountants or are studying finance so I’m sure that most videos you watch on your phone are about the latest International Financial Reporting Standards so you’ve got nothing to worry about.
Then again there are some people who would maybe argue that it’s more embarrassing to be caught watching Financial Reporting videos than watching videos of people getting friendly with each other.