You can’t sing like Lady Gaga but if you eat this will you have baby face looks?
Here’s a question to get the marketing part of your brain thinking.
How do you double sales of a product without changing the marketing mix (i.e. without changing the Product, Price, Promotion or Place)?

Well, if the product you are trying to sell is baby food then the answer seems to be courtesy of Lady Gaga.
The average reader of this blog is typically a young (or youngish!) professional and in case you’re not completely up to date with the latest music scene, one of the real stars of the moment is Lady Gaga.
She’s loved for her music and extrovert style and with songs such as Poker Face and Just Dance she is now one of the world’s leading female music artists.
As well as being a music and fashion icon she has reportedly developed a taste for baby food, or the “Goo diet” as it’s now known.

According to upmarket UK grocery website Ocado, since the trendy singer announced that she ate baby food to keep her figure trim, sales of Heinz Mum’s Own Creamed Porridge have increased by 100%, while those for pasta and spaghetti bolognese purees are also up by a healthy 87%.
The “Goo diet” involves having one main meal a day and then combining this with several jars of the baby food throughout the day to stop the hunger pangs.
It’s not just Lady Gaga that is reportedly using this diet. Other stars that have apparently used the diet include Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Cheryl Cole.
So, is the conclusion that an unofficial celebratory endorsement is more important than adjusting the marketing mix? In reality, this unofficial endorsement of baby food is in fact an unplanned element of “promotion”.
I have no strong views about this although I do wonder whether there will soon be a surprise rumour about Lady Gaga starting a training programme to become an accountant…
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